Interj angolul
Lauri 2005.10.04. 14:02
Mivel n nem tudok angolul (nmetet tanulok),ezrt az albbi interjt sem tudtam lefordtani...Sok sikert hozz!!!
Gorillaz will be taking questions and answers from fans on this page! Your questions will be put to the band so always check back for their latest responses!
We recently managed to catch up with fans favourite 2-D...
Hey 2-D, how have you been doing with the release of the album having happened? Any plans to celebrate the charts?
2-D: It’s a bit weird really. We did a load of work before the album came out, photos, videos, interviews, and everything. Then all the posters went up. Then we heard the song on the radio. Then after all this you get given a piece of paper with ‘Number 1’ written on it. And then it’s... kind of over. I’m pleased with the album. That’s gonna stand forever, but the chart placing is a bit, well, meaningless. Although I thought it was out of order when I found out that Jamie and Damon and Dangermouse were all in America live on Fuse TV, talking about their success. I mean they’re idiots if they think we weren’t gonna find out. Murdoc caught them red-handed, live on air, and then I walked in on the whole lot of ‘em. Cheek.
We've got an email here from Jack, who says he wants to be a popstar like you and wonders if you have any advice?
2-D: I’m not sure I’m really the best person to offer advice. Er... let’s have a think... make sure your songs are good. Have a think and see if there’s anything you can do to stand out from other bands. Like, er, get some masks like Slipknot. And have a pretty girl singing. Or you could just have a really weird face, like Michael Jackson. I guess it helps to have a good imagination. And when you do make it, don’t believe people when they say you’re rubbish. Oh yeah, get a good manager. Like Brian Epstein or Peter Grant... someone with a good strong cricket bat.
Belinda Dawkins has a question which might be right up your way... she wants to know if you could have any type of hamburger named after you, what would be on it and what would you call it?
2-D: If I could have a hamburger named after me, what would I call it? Er…’2D’s Hamburger’? I don’t eat meat, so it’d have to be, like, a chicken burger or something. Also no pickles. I’m allergic to them. They make my lips swell up like a Playboy model’s.
Jake Anderson is wondering whether you were listening to Sunny Afternoon by the Kinks when you recorded the chorus in Feel Good Inc.
2-D: Erm... No. I was listening to the ‘Feelgood. Inc’ backing track. It would be difficult for me to try to listen to both things at once. But I guess there’s a similar sense of feel in the two tracks. A lot of people have said it sounds like the Kinks and the ‘Windmill’ imagery I guess is similar to something the Kinks would sing, like on Village Green Preservation Society. (Hums) ‘The Taxman’s Run off with my dough...’, ‘Windmill, Windmill for the land’. Nope, can’t see any similarity there.
I don't know if you're ready for this, but JDFAI thinks you're very attractive and asked the question a lot of women have been asking: do you have a girlfriend and is she eligible if you don't!
2-D: I had a girlfriend but Murdoc took her. Well, tried to. I was going out with Rachel Stevens ex-S Club for a while, but then Murdoc, like, hassled her and hassled her until she got bored and went home. I had a load of girlfriends down in Eastbourne, while we were taking a break. Is your friend eligible? I don’t know. Is she old enough to vote?
Milan Pate says you seem to be in pretty good shape at the moment, have you been working out at all?
2-D: No I never work out. Constant stress and panic and lack of sleep and various food intolerances seem to keep me quite thin.
Matt Hirst is wondering where he can get t-shirts like the ones you wear.
2-D: I make most of mine myself, or sometimes I get that bloke Jamie Hewlett to come up with something for me. He always comes up with random phrases that he likes to scrawl on the front of my clothes. I don’t really get half the stuff he writes on them, but it makes me look like I know loads about what’s going on in popular culture so I just let him get on with it.
And finally we have a question from Ramona and Jessica in Germany, who are wondering whether or not there will be any underwear coming out with your face on it so that they can wear it!
2-D: Oh... er... I’m sure you can get an iron on transfer or something. But definitely make sure you take your underwear off before you iron it or you’re gonna up end up a bit sore.
Email your questions to Gorillaz! Send your most creative questions to and if you're lucky, we'll put them to the band!